Dawley Hamlets Parish Council

Grant Awards




Dawley Hamlets Parish Council recognises the value of voluntary and community activity and its contribution to local residents’ well-being.  The Council is committed to supporting and strengthening the many community groups that help make a positive difference.  The aim of the Council’s Grant Awarding Policy is to promote a vibrant and active community in Dawley Hamlets and to support the aims of the Council’s Strategic Plan which are to:

  • Improve the Parish
  • Maintain and Conserve the Parish
  • Protect the Parish
  • Support the Community
  • Promote Community Events & Activities

Dawley Hamlets Parish Council has the authority to award grants which will benefit some or all of its inhabitants.

Each year Dawley Hamlets Parish Council will make provision in its budget for grants to assist voluntary bodies, local clubs and not-for-profit organisations in the parish.

The Council’s Grant Awarding Policy aims to ensure that all grant applications are treated equally, provide value for money and that all awards granted are within the legal powers of the Council.



Applications for grants will be considered by the Council twice a year at the Main Council meetings in April & October.

All requests for funding must be made on the approved Grant Application Form and submitted together with a supporting statement, a copy of the latest audited or certified accounts and a copy of the latest bank statement.

Only applications received before the April and October Full Council meetings will be considered at those meetings.  Any applications received after this will be considered in the next round.

Grants that have been awarded will be paid after the meeting.  

The maximum grant awarded for each application is £300.



A Grant Application Form must be fully completed.  A supporting statement, a copy of the latest audited or certified accounts and a copy of the latest bank statement must be submitted along with the application form.  Failure to provide this information may result in the application being rejected.

Applications can only be accepted from non-profit making organisations, clubs and societies and requests for funds should be clearly seen to benefit a group of people within the parish boundary of Dawley Hamlets.

Applications can be accepted from organisations based outside of the Parish provided that the organisation can prove that the grant would directly benefit some residents of the Parish.

Grant applications should be for specific projects and not the general running costs of an organisation.

Applications for grants where the project has already been completed will not be accepted.

Only one grant per organisation will be awarded in any one financial year.

Once awarded, written permission must be obtained to change the use of a grant and the Council reserves the right to withdraw a grant or demand a total or part refund if the funds have not been used for the agreed purpose.

Grant applicants are encouraged to attend the Dawley Hamlets Parish Council meeting to verbally support their grant application.

Grant applications will be judged on merit.

Organisations must have a bank account into which grants can be paid.  Payments cannot be made to individuals.

The Parish Council asks for acknowledgement from successful groups in the form of the publicity for the Parish Council in the organisation’s newsletter and promotions. The Parish Council will likewise recognise successful groups in its own newsletters and promotions.

The grant awarding policy and application form can be found here: Policies & Procedures | Community Hub