Deadline extended to Monday 14th April 2025
Are you interested in having your say about your local area and how it’s managed?
Telford & Wrekin Council are reviewing local Town & Parish Council arrangements, to make sure they still best represent our local communities, and they need to know what you think.
Community Governance Reviews can consider a range of options including creating, merging, or altering parishes, changing the size of parishes or the number of councillors in them.
Local knowledge is vital for this review so it’s important that you have your say, T&WC welcome feedback from residents or interested organisations who may wish to comment or make alternative proposals.
Phase 1 of the review is open until 24 March, so you can have your say at https://orlo.uk/R5fvv or by email to reviews@telford.gov.uk
All comments and feedback will be considered, before updated proposals are presented to the Boundary Review Committee on Thursday 3 April.
If approved, there will then be a further four-week consultation period for residents and stakeholders to comment on any proposed changes.
More info can be found here: https://orlo.uk/iGmc7
Interfaith Santa visits the Parish this evening and can be tracked by clicking on this link: https://greatdawley.org/interfaithsanta/
Don’t forget to wave!
Full details can be found here: 2023-24_confirmation_of_the_dates_of_the_period_for_the_exercise_of_public_rights_long_version.pdf (dawley-hamlets.org)
For all the information about this election click the link to the T&WC website: Police and Crime Commissioner Election - Thursday 2 May 2024 - Telford & Wrekin Council
Dawley Hamlets Parish Council appreciates the need for extra housing to accommodate the rapidly increasing population of Telford, but believe that the four areas shown in the Local Plan:
413 - Upper Coalmoor Farm - 200 properties on 8.49 ha - 0.04 ha per property - not allowing for roads and footpaths
696 - South of Coalmoor Road - 200 properties on 8.50 ha - 0.04 ha per property - not allowing for roads and footpaths
187 - West of Wellington Road - 70 properties on 3.51 ha - 0.05 ha per property - not allowing for roads and footpaths
302 - Meadowvale Nurseries and Garden Centre - 150 properties on 3.04 ha - 0.02 ha per property - not allowing for roads and footpaths
would change the village character of Horsehay and alter the quality of life of its residents, in order to alleviate these expected changes, DHPC gives the following recommendations:
A total of 620 properties in the proposed areas would bring a large number of extra vehicles onto the already busy roads in the area, leading to the need for a detailed traffic plan which looks at the speed limits on the roads, new junctions on the present roads at the access points to the new developments, provision for safe pedestrian crossings due to extra traffic in the area, along with footpaths around the area, all of which needs to be in place before building begins, There is a danger if the 4 developments are agreed upon, but not built at the same time, a detailed traffic plan would not go ahead. Forward thinking is a priority.
Much thought needs to be given to the provision of an increase in community facilities, shops, medical centres and the provision of school places, all of which are at present lacking in the Horsehay area, for not only the new residents, but also present residents, these new facilities being in place, ready for new residents moving into the developments.
A study of the local water courses, to ensure that the proposed developments do not increase the risk of local flooding.
In conclusion, Dawley Hamlets Parish Council is not in favour of the developments shown in the Development Plan, unless the above recommendations are acted upon.
Telford & Wrekin Council wants to know your views on their draft Local Plan and proposed site allocations for the borough.
The closing date is 31st January 2024
The Borough of Telford and Wrekin has commenced a full Community Governance Review, following recommendations made by Boundary Review Committee on Thursday 7 September 2023.
A Community Governance Review is a legal process where the council will consult with those living in the area, and other interested parties, on the most suitable ways of representing local people.
Following the publication of the Terms of Reference, the initial consultation stage has now commenced.
The Council may consider the following factors:
The initial consultation stage closes on Monday 20 November 2023.
Further information, and how to make a representation, is available on our website where you can download the notice of review, terms of reference and information pack:
T&WC have notified us of the following information that outlines the traffic management arrangements for a temporary 30mph speed limit along Castlefields Way, Aqueduct and Southall Road, Dawley.
Telford & Wrekin Council are placing this restriction due to upcoming highway works. The restriction will come into force on Monday 21st August 2023 and will last for a duration of 18 months with an end date of Friday 21st February 2025.
Here is the latest news from Telford & Wrekin Council Highways Department regarding Castlefields Way:
I am writing to provide an update and response following the Parish Council meeting we attended in July.
Since the meeting, we have been working the Cllr Burford and Cllr Parker to agree a way forward to try and mitigate the concerns along Castlefields way. As a result, I can confirm that we will be implementing a trial 30mph speed limit along the section of Castlefields Way along the extents shown below.
This trail will last up to 18 months and during this time we will be working with West Mercia Police to collect data to establish whether vehicles are conforming to the speed limit or not. We expect to be in a position to make a decision on whether this restriction can be made permanent before the expiry of the trial period.
The outcome of this trial will be one of the following:
1. Data collected shows vehicle speeds do conform to the 30mph speed limit and it can therefore be made permanent.
2. Data collected shows vehicle speeds do not conform to the 30mph speed limit and therefore further action is required. As per the below options.
a. Remove the trial 30mph speed limit and reinstate the 40mph speed limit
b. Look to install traffic calming measures to allow the 30mph limit to remain – this is likely to be in the form of speed cushions.
The legal order to allow this change to take place will be advertised in the local paper on 12th and 19th August and we will be implementing the changes during w/c 21/08/2023 ready in time for when the schools return in September.
The full version of this notice can be viewed on our website:
Many congratulations to the following councillors for being elected to Dawley Hamlets Parish Council on 4th May 2023:
Aqueduct Ward - Cllr Lyndsey Parker, Cllr Bob Wennington and Cllr Sue Wennington
Horsehay Ward - Cllr Zona Hannington, Cllr Raj Mehta and Cllr Ian Preece
Little Dawley Ward - Cllr Kate Barnes
Nightingale Walk Ward - Cllr Mark Rogers
Smallhill Road Ward - Cllr Stefan Heighway
There are two Dawley Hamlets Parish Council wards being contested in the local elections on Thursday, if you are voting in person don't forget to take id, polling for both wards will take place at Aqueduct Primary School.
The full notice for this election can be found here: https://www.telford.gov.uk/downloads/file/24627/notice_of_election_parish
On the date of this election Dawley Hamlets Parish will consist of five wards (previously this was two), details and maps of the wards can be found on the front page our website: https://www.dawley-hamlets.org/
The government is implementing Voter ID at this election. This means that everyone who wants to vote in person will have to provide suitable photographic ID at the polling station on polling day and a recent polling station review means that you may vote at a different polling station than previously, your polling station will be stated on your polling card. Alternatively, you can apply for a postal vote, the deadline to register for a postal vote is 11 working days before polling day. Full details of how to vote and can be found on the Telford and Wrekin Council website: telford.gov.uk/elections.
If you are thinking about standing for election please contact nominations2023@telford.gov.uk for more information. You may also find the following article of interest:
Please contact the Kathy the Clerk if you have any questions:
email: clerk@dawley-hamlets.org
Phone: 07941 212311
Following concerns raised by residents, Dawley Hamlets Parish Council and Borough Ward Councillors, Telford and Wrekin Council are proposing to implement traffic calming measures on various roads in Doseley and Horsehay. Please see the attached proposals and to have your say, please email: traffic.schemes@telford.gov.uk.
Play Areas across Telford and Wrekin have been renovated, upgraded or installed to the joy of the borough’s children and parents, thanks to local Town and Parish Councils and ward member support for an enhancement programme led by Telford & Wrekin Council.
Upgraded sites include Spring Village play area, where 5-a-side goals, swings and a slide play-unit were installed, thanks to joint funding from Telford & Wrekin Council and Dawley Hamlets Parish Council, who also co-funded improvements at nearby Pageant Drive play area. Further contributions from ward members Cllr Jayne Greenaway and Mayor of the Borough of Telford and Wrekin, Cllr Raj Mehta’s “Councillors’ Pride Fund” – a funding source allocated by the council to ward members to support local projects – also supported the Spring Village improvements.
Photo features Cllr Carolyn Healy, Telford & Wrekin Council cabinet member for climate change, green spaces, natural and historic environment and cultural services, with ward members and Dawley Hamlets parish councillors, Mayor of the Borough of Telford and Wrekin, Cllr Raj Mehta and Cllr Jayne Greenaway at Spring Village play area.
Local elections will be held on the 4th May this year and from this date the Parish will consist of five wards:
Aqueduct Ward (3 Parish Councillors)
Horsehay Ward (3 Parish Councillors)
Little Dawley (1 Parish Councillor)
Nightingale Walk (1 Parish Councillor)
Smallhill Road (1 Parish Councillor)
Information about the forthcoming elections including how to vote and how to stand as a Parish Councillor can be found on the Borough of Telford & Wrekin website: Elections - Telford & Wrekin Council
Please find attached documents relating to the proposed 20mph Speed Limit Zone Order 2023 for Woodhouse Lane Area, Doseley.
If you wish to object to the proposed Order, you should do so in writing, setting out the grounds for your objection and sending it by 03rd March 2023 to:.
Telford & Wrekin Council
Highways, Transport & Engineering
Darby House
Or email traffic.schemes@telford.gov.uk
Full details can be found here: Finance & Audit | Community Hub (dawley-hamlets.org)
Dawley Community Allotments
Are you interested in having an allotment plot in Dawley?
We are currently looking at options and trying to acquire land, but we need to obtain enough interest to pursue this.
For more information please email Cllr Sam Deakin:
It's free to download, boasting over 100 different services ranging from the ability to report potholes, request a new bin and to find information on local Leisure offers and the latest news from in and around the borough.
The full version of this notice can be found here: 2021-22_exercise_of_public_rights_notice_long_version.docx (live.com)
Last night's Annual Parish Meeting was attended by Jack Bradley from Jack's Family Butchers which opens in the Nisa Local Shop, Little Dawley, on Friday 29th April, the Parish Council would like to wish Jack & Chloe the best of luck with their new business venture. Also in attendance was Simon James, the newly elected Chair of the Horsehay Horticultural Society, who informed the meeting of the exciting plans for this years show which will be held on Saturday 3rd September.
You can read the annual reports from the Parish Council Chair, Councillors and local organisations just follow the link:
THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING | Community Hub (dawley-hamlets.org)
Forkers Ltd on behalf of Severn Trent Water are planning to undertake Trial hole works. The work is set to commence on Tuesday, 4th January 2022 and will last for a duration of 14 days between the hours of 8.00 and 17.30pm with an end date of Monday, 17th January 2022.
The diversion route for vehicular traffic travelling in all directions will be signed on site during the phased closure.
Phase 1 - 4/1/22 - 7/1/22 – Spring Village from its junction with Pool Side for approximately 170 metres in a north westerly direction.
Phase 2 - 10/1/22 - 11/1/22 Pool Side from its junction with Spring Village to its junction with Bridge Road.
Please find full details on our Facebook page: Dawley Hamlets Parish Council | Facebook.
Please see the attached vacancy notice for full details.
Nomination packs are available from the Dawley Hamlets Parish Council Clerk or from Telford & Wrekin Council
Due to the recent resignation of Councillor Concepta Cassar we have a vacancy in our Aqueduct Ward, please see the attached notice.
The notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual governance & accountability return for Dawley Hamlets Parish Council can be found here:
2020-21_exercise_of_public_rights_notice_long_version.pdf (dawley-hamlets.org)
Please find below information that outlines the traffic management arrangements for a temporary road closure along Pool Hill Road, Horsehay, Telford.
Western Power Distribution are planning to undertake Electrical Reinforcement Scheme Works. The work is set to commence on Monday 7th June 2021 and will last for a duration of 22 days with an end date of Monday 28th June 2021.
The diversion route for vehicular traffic travelling north westerly will be via Station Road, Springhill Road, Doseley Road. For vehicular traffic travelling south easterly vice versa.
Congratulations on being elected on 6th May 2021:
Cllr. Jayne Greenaway (Dawley Hamlets Ward)
Cllr. Sam Deakin (Aqueduct Ward)
The Parish Council were very pleased to receive information from the Planning Inspectorate recently that the order for a Restricted Byway between Bridge Road and Frame Lane had been confirmed. This route had been used by local residents for at least 170 years and is clearly shown on the 1844 Tithe map. It was blocked off in 2016 and the Parish Council has worked hard to get it recognised and recorded as a Public Right of Way.
We particularly wish to thank the residents who submitted evidence statements. These were very important in establishing the proof of its usage over many years and enable the Byway to be available for generations to come.
T&WC have sent us the information below that outlines the traffic management arrangements for a temporary road closure along Church Road, Paradise, Church Hill, Lincoln Hill, Hodge Bower, St Lukes Road, Hillside, Belmont Road and New Road, Ironbridge
These roads will be closed during the works on Dale End, The Wharfage, Tontine Hill and High Street, Ironbridge to manage traffic during these closures. The closures are set to commence on Saturday, 24 October 2020 and will last for a duration of 61 days with an end date of Wednesday, 23 December 2020.
Due to a prohibition of motor vehicle Traffic Regulation Order in Ironbridge there will be no diversion route.
In addition to this please be advised that the temporary road closures along Church Road, Church Hill, Lincoln Hill, Hodge Bower, St Lukes Road, Hillside, Belmont Road and New Road, Ironbridge will also now be in place on Monday, 19th April 2021 and will last for a duration of 28 days with an end date of Sunday 16th May 2021.
Botany Bay Close Footpath 4, Aqueduct & Botany Bay Close Footpath 1, Aqueduct
The Borough of Telford and Wrekin (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Council’) being the highway
authority for the lengths of footway specified in the Schedule to this Notice, are satisfied that the
pedestrian traffic in the said lengths of footway should be prohibited by reason of the likeihood of
danger to pedestrians being proposed to be executed on or near the said lengths of footway.
The Council, in exercise of their powers under Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act
1984 and all other powers enabling them in that behalf hereby make the following Notice:-
1. No person shall proceed on foot in the lengths of footway specified in the Schedule to this
2. The Notice shall come into operation on the 22nd March 2021 and may be cited as the
Borough of Telford and Wrekin Botany Bay Close Footpath 4, Aqueduct & Botany Bay
Close Footpath 1, Aqueduct Temporary Prohibition of Pedestrians) Notice 2021.
3. The diversion route for pedestrians will be signed on site
4. Access will be maintained, whenever reasonably possible, over the length of the closure.
This Notice will become operative on 22nd March 2021 and will continue in force for a period not
exceeding 21 days or until the earlier completion of the works.
of behalf of )
on the )
Temporarily prohibit pedestrians travelling along Botany Close at the rear of 2 and 8 Botany Bay Close
and the rear of 105 to 95 Botany Bay Close
Many congratulations to all involved!
Improvements in your area – Car Parking Scheme
We will shortly be carrying out work on Majestic Way;
Additional 2 Parking Bays will be constructed at the side of Nos 52-56 at the rear of current car park.
The works will be completed by our specialist sub-contractors MSM
When are we planning to deliver this work?
The work is due to take place on Monday 8th March for a duration of 1 Week, weather permitting.
We will be working between 0800-1600hrs on weekdays and will have our dedicated teams on site to assist residents during this time.
Information about access:
Access will be maintained to footpaths, however some areas pedestrians will have to be diverted across the an alternative footpath. We will try to cause as little inconvenience as possible.
Due to the developing situation with COVID-19, these dates may be subject to change and schemes could be cancelled or deferred at short notice depending on resource availability or guidance from government. We will do our utmost to deliver work
These works are being delivered as part of the Council’s 4 year investment programme to ‘Protect, Care and Invest to create a better borough’. Between 2020 and 2024 over £50m is being invested to keep neighbourhoods safe, clean and well connected. The ‘Pride in our Community’ Highways Capital Programme will deliver improvements to infrastructure including roads, footpaths, parking, sustainable transport, street furniture, drains and structures. The Highways vision is to ‘Keep Telford Moving’ and this year £22m is being invested to deliver 200 improvement schemes across the borough.
Balfour Beatty will be the lead delivering this work in partnership with the Council and our details are below, for any questions or queries relating to this scheme please contact us at our highways hub:
Balfour Beatty Telford Highways Hub- Working in Partnership with Telford & Wrekin Council
For more information about the Council’s Pride in Our Community programme please visit www.telford.gov.uk/pride. The full list of works planned for your area can be found on the projects page.
Kind Regards
Balfour Beatty Highways Hub-
Granville House Depot
St Georges Road
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sadly a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Dawley Hamlets Ward of the Civic Parish of Dawley Hamlets following the death of Councillor Beryl Onions on 30th January 2021.
Cadent Gas Ltd are planning to undertake New Connection works . The work is set to commence on Tuesday, 9th March 2021 and will last for a duration of 9 days with an end date of Wednesday, 17th March 2021.
The diversion route for vehicular traffic travelling north westerly will be via Doseley Road, Springhill Road, Station Road. For vehicular traffic travelling south easterly vice versa.
Building works on this development have temporarily ceased due to parking issues and a number of pre-commencement conditions attached to the outline planning consent having not been discharged. T&WC Enforcement are currently working with the developers to resolve these issues.
A message from Dawley Hamlets Parish and Borough Councillors.
A Consultation document has been produced by Telford & Wrekin Highways Department and is available here: www.telford.gov.uk/traffic
Your local Councillors are concerned about the issues with increased traffic, road safety and parking for local residents and we would like to hear your views.
We have suggested that making Woodhouse Lane and Frame Lane into No Through Roads by closing them off to motorised traffic near to the Travellers Joy Public House could have a beneficial effect and may be the best solution to the problems mentioned above. This has been mentioned in the consultation document but has not been put forward as a proposal.
We would like to hear how you feel about this suggestion, either for or against so that we can pass on your views before the consultation ends on 31st January 2021.
Please email your responses to: cllr.dphopkins@gmail.com
If you are unable to email your response please send your response as a brief text to 07816851407. Please include your name.
Please also pass on your views directly to Telford & Wrekin via their response system.
We would also be grateful if you could let other residents know so that we can get a full understanding of the views of people living in the area.
Finally we would like to make it clear that we are only seeking opinions at this stage. Changing the status of the roads with road closures would inevitably require greater consultation and a full assessment of the effects on other roads in the area.
Many thanks,
Councillor David Hopkins, on behalf of Dawley Hamlets Parish Council.
*** JUST LAUNCHED *** T&WC have launched a consultation to introduce a traffic calming scheme along Woodhouse Lane and Frame Lane, Horsehay, click the link (and scroll to the bottom of the page) and have your say by 31st January. https://www.telford.gov.uk/traffic.
If you do not have access to the internet please telephone T&WC on 01952 384384 to request a paper copy of the consultation and questionnaire.
Telford & Wrekin Council along with their partners, Red Kite, have recently produced a consultation document for Horsehay Pool and the surrounding area. It can be accessed here:
[Introduction - Horsehay Pool management plan consultation - Telford & Wrekin Council](https://www.telford.gov.uk/.../horsehay_pool_management...).
If you would like a paper copy please ring T&WC Planning Department on 01952 380380. The consultation will close on the 1 February 2021 at 12 noon. Dawley Hamlets Parish Council will also be submitting their own response.
On Monday 14th December Santa will be travelling on his sleigh from Lightmoor to Horsehay and finishing in Lawley. The start point is the Oak Tree Centre at 6pm and the finishing point is Lawley Primary School at approx. 7pm, please refer to the map on our Facebook page for Santa's route.
(1) Dawley Hamlets Parish Council | Facebook
*** JUST LAUNCHED *** T&WC have launched a consultation to introduce a road safety improvement scheme along Station Road, Dawley and Bridge Road, Horsehay, click the link below (and scroll to the bottom of the page) and have your say by Friday 30th October! https://www.telford.gov.uk/traffic
An election has been requested but due to the current Covid-19 pandemic and the new legislation, Coronavirus Act 2020 and the 2020 Regulations, a poll cannot take place until 6th May 2021. More information will be provided nearer the time.
We have a VACANCY for a Councillor in the Aqueduct Ward.
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic and the new legislation, Coronavirus Act 2020 and the 2020 Regulations, if an election is requested, a poll cannot take place until 6th May 2021.
Find out more about becoming a Councillor: https://www.nalc.gov.uk/library/our-work/elections-1/2815-elections-flye...
Parish Council on-site meeting yesterday to discuss the Horsehay Pool Management plan. From left to right - Daisy Haywood Red Kite Network Ltd., Cllr. Dave Hopkins, Dave Hanley T&WC, Cllr. Raj Mehta and our Chair Andy Burford.
Current local news from within the parish is located on the left and on our Facebook page.