It is the Parish Councils policy to match-fund Borough Council expenditure and Borough Councillors Pride Fund money spent within the Parish when it is agreed to be appropriate and funds are available to do so.
Pride Fund - Telford & Wrekin Council have a Pride Fund a proportion of which is allocated to each Borough Councillor to spend in their Ward in support of local projects and causes, this amount is up to £5.000 per Ward Councillor in 2024/25.
In recent years the following projects and causes have been match funded by the Parish Council:
- Telford Steam Railway Veterans Cafe
- Tree stump removal at Pageant Dr, Aqueduct
- Dawley Pools/Majestic Way path Improvement
- Police Community Clubs
- Anti-vaping workshops at Aqueduct Primary School
- Crocus planting at Horsehay Pool
- Spring Village and Pageant Drive Play Areas
- Bridge Road Traffic Calming
- Horsehay Pool Pocket Park
- Laptops for Schools
- Dawley Hamlets Local Nature Reserve
- Friends of Aqueduct Primary School Adventure Trail